Eastern Washington University
Department of Art Education
Teacher’s Name: Isaac Sweeney
Grade: 12
Title of the Lesson: Refining Self-Portraits
Relationship to the Unit: This sequence of the unite will be the third lesion in a series of four. The objectives will be
· Refine initial sketches based on peer feedback
· Develop advanced techniques to convey expression in self-portraits
· Incorporate elements of personal research into final artwork
Relationship to Life: This lesson encompasses several critical skills: generating and conceptualizing artistic ideas, organizing and developing those ideas, refining and completing artistic work, and perceiving and analyzing artistic creations. These artistic skills are highly transferable to various aspects of life. The ability to generate ideas beyond just artistic concepts will be a lifelong skill for my students. They will learn not only to generate ideas but also to organize, develop, refine, and implement them. This practical ability will serve them well throughout their lives.
Problem Statement: What conditions, attitudes, and behavior support creativity and innovative thinking? What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks? How does collaboration expand the creative process?
· Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work
· Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work
· Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work
· Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
Students will:
· Refine initial sketches based on peer feedback
· Develop advanced techniques to convey expression in self-portraits
· Incorporate elements of personal research into final artwork
Resources and Materials:
· Mirrors: One per student, used for sketching quick self-portraits.
· Sketchbooks: One per student, used for initial sketches and reflections.
· Art Supplies: Pencils, charcoal, paint, brushes, etc., for creating final self-portraits.
· Digital Presentation: Slides with images, videos, and quotes to introduce the concept of expression in art.
· Video Montage: Short video of diverse self-portraits to spark curiosity and discussion.
· Examples of Self-Portraits: Printed or digital images to show different styles and mediums.
· Reflection Sheets: For written reflections on personal expression and artistic choices.
· Peer Feedback Forms: Structured forms for providing constructive feedback.
Motivation Questions:
Topic Questions: Today we’re diving into the world of creative expression through self-portraits. Demonstrating emotion through the refining of our initial sketches based on peer feedback, using advanced techniques to convey expression in self-portraits, and incorporating elements of personal research into our artwork.
Association Questions: what are some examples of expression, shown in the world around you? Look back to our first two lesson how have the artist that we have looked at, the themes addressed, and emotions expressed used in works of art.
Visualization Questions: How might you demonstrate expression in your self-portrait
Transition Questions: How might the feedback you receive from your classmates improve your sketches and in turn your final work?
Demonstration/Discussion: We will be participating in group critics/discussion about our sketches we will deuces ideas for improvement and what is working well. We will then disuse some ways we might better express emotion in our works covering techniques such as the use of light/shading, and the use of line and shape as in how we draw different facial features. After this the room well be open for free work time while they work the teacher well individually meet with each student checking in with them and having them share some ideas on how they might Incorporate elements of personal research into their final portraits.
Distribution: Each student will have their own sketch book with asceses to pencells, erasers, blending tools, mirrors, and paper for the final work on the counter in the back of the class.
Work-period: Students will participate in discussion groups, follow along in the mini lesson about light, shadow, line and shape. They will meet with their teacher and share their ideas on what they would like to make and how they might go about doing that. Then they will work on their final portrait take the feedback they got from their peers and teacher along with the techniques demonstrated in the lesson and incorporate them into their final work.
Clean-up: At the end of the work period the students will have roughly 7 minutes to get cleaned up and return the supplies to there spot on the back counter, pencils with the pencils, erasers with the erasers, etc. Their artworks they may put in their individual drawer so that they may come back to them and continue to work on it if not completed in the next class period.
Closure: Ask the class, what strategies can artist use to express emotion in their art?
· Provide a model of the activity
· Draw in different positions
· Start with small drawings first
· Have variety of pencils
· Have extra paper for mess ups and restarts
· Have a variety of erasers
Did Students:
· Refine initial sketches based on peer feedback
· Develop advanced techniques to convey expression in self-portraits
· Incorporate elements of personal research into final artwork
The student make changes/refine initial sketches based on peer feedback. Students demonstrate advanced techniques such as use of light, shading, line and shape, to convey expression in their final works. They show a clear understanding of expression by using personal research into final artwork.
Education Resources
Visual Art Standards K-12
https//ospi k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/2023-08/visualartsstandards-ada_passed_12-27-18_ passed _11-15-19,pdf
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture
Seattle Art Museum
The metropolitan Museum of Art
National Art Education Association